Academic Catalog

Kettering University Online

2024-2025 begins the eighth year for Kettering University Online. KUOs seven degree programs and eight certificates continue to focus on developing graduates with strong technical and business skills and individuals poised to take on the challenges of leadership in organizations. The Kettering University Online platform emphasizes enhanced student interactions, including a professional advisor for support throughout the program. The format for each course has been designed to promote more interactivity between students in the classes, as well as live office hours each week with a professor to ensure comprehensive learning. KUO courses are taught in primarily accelerated sessions (seven and nine-week courses), and some twelve-week courses are offered in the MSE ECE- Advance Mobility program. These models allow adult students to move more efficiently through their Graduate programs employing a "Learn Today-Use Tomorrow" philosophy that provides practical application of knowledge to the real world.

Currently, Kettering University Online offers the Master of Science Lean Manufacturing (MSLM), the Master of Science Lean Systems, the Master of Science Engineering Management (MSEM), the Master of Science Operations Management MSOM), the Master of Science Supply Chain Management (MSSCM), Master of Business Administration (MBA), and the Master of Science Engineering (Concentration in Electrical and Computer Engineering-Advanced Mobility). The Advanced Mobility program is focused on reskilling engineers to work in the field of electrification and autonomous vehicles.

In addition to degrees, Kettering University Online offers eight distinct certificates taken as part of a Master's degree or as a stand-alone. Individuals may take one or more classes to enhance their skills and do not need to pursue an entire degree. This option allows the student to use the class towards a degree later. Students who finish a first Master's degree can also add a second Master's degree within the six-year time period with as few as four additional courses. 

KUO continues to work to provide students with one of the best career development and enhancement options in the Midwest. We continually strive to provide the best graduate and Online education options available in the country with our award-winning staff and programs.