Academic Catalog

Business (BUSN)

BUSN-103  Introduction to Marketing    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
An overview of marketing’s role in connecting business to consumers will be provided. Emphasis is placed on analyzing the external marketing environment and customers’ needs as a basis for developing a firm’s marketing strategy. Topics include: marketing research, identifying opportunities, market segmentation, targeting customers, consumer behavior, the business-to-business market, business-to-business buying behavior, product and service planning of existing and new offerings, integrated promotion planning, logistics and channel development, and price planning. SAP exercises may be used in this course to illustrate marketing processes.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-134  Personal Financial Management    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
The course covers the basic principles needed for effective personal financial management; including creating, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and revising a personal plan to achieve financial objectives and goals. The topics covered include cash management and budgeting; establishing and maintaining good credit; managing consumer credit and student loans; investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and income tax planning. The course also covers long-term financial planning topics such as housing decisions, insurance, retirement planning, charitable giving, and estate planning. The course covers strategies to avoid financial scams, fraud, and identity theft.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-152  Information Systems    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
This course focuses on how organizations use information systems to effectively compete in the global economy. Topics include: information systems and their use in today’s global businesses, enterprise applications, the role of information systems in organizational strategy, e-commerce, digital markets and digital goods, IT infrastructure and emerging technologies, database and information management, systems design, telecommunications, the internet, and wireless technology.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-191  Business Special Topics    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-221  Financial Accounting    4 Credits

Prerequisites: MATH-100 or MATH-191 or MATH-101 or MATH-101X
The principles, practices and procedures used by accountants in processing business data are covered in this course. Units of study include the elements of the accounting cycle plus accounting for cash, accounts receivables, inventory, plant and equipment, investments, intangibles, liabilities, and corporate ownership. Ethical issues are addressed with research into various accounting scandals.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-222  Managerial Accounting    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
Minimum Class Standing: Sophomore
The use of financial information in the making of managerial decisions is the focus of this course. Subject areas include the calculation of the costs of products and services, budgeting, performance analysis, cost-volume- profit analysis, and assessing relevant costs. This course also addresses the ethical issues in managerial accounting. It is highly recommended that students take BUSN-221 prior to taking this course.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-271  Statistics for Business    4 Credits

Prerequisites: MATH-100 or MATH-191 or MATH-101 or MATH-101X
Introduction to statistical methods to support quantitative decision analysis for solving business problems. Topics covered include probability, sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, and linear regression.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-303  New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
Minimum Class Standing: Sophomore
The development of an innovative product, service or delivery method into a feasible business model will be the focus of this course. Students will identify a particular customer need that can be met with a novel approach using a combination of resources, including technology, marketing or financial acumen. Student teams will develop a business plan and stakeholder/investor presentation suitable for actual funding in one of the following areas: New Venture Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship or Intrapreneurship.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-304  Innovation Development    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
Minimum Class Standing: Junior
Intrapreneurship, the activity of value creation within an existing enterprise, is presented to prepare students to be innovators in their employing organizations. Strategies are introduced to innovation development as practiced by exemplary innovators. Structures are presented that support a successful innovation development environment. Processes utilized for innovation development are contrasted and a general approach is presented with specific application to a course project. Tools and techniques are presented and practiced by students during the completion of the project requirements.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-312  Management Science    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-271 or MATH-258
Minimum Class Standing: Junior
Methods of process analysis and quantitative modeling are synthesized to evaluate and propose solutions to improve business processes. This course introduces decision situations that managers face in the workplace and applies problem solving methods to formulate decisions and implement solutions. Methods applied include problem solving frameworks, data visualization, descriptive analytics, predictive models, optimization models, and simulation analysis. The development of spreadsheet modeling skills is a primary learning objective.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-321  Entrepreneurial Thinking    4 Credits

Prerequisites: ECON-201
This course is designed to help students gain both intellectual and practical understanding of the role of the entrepreneur in value creation and wealth generation, the attributes and mindsets of successful entrepreneurs, tools for problem/opportunity recognition including resource identification, value proposition design, and risk assessment and management. Instruction will consist of lectures, in-class exercises and discussions.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-331  Financial Management    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-221 and ECON-201
Minimum Class Standing: Junior
The role financial management plays in the successful operation of a business enterprise will be identified and discussed. Subject areas include financial statement analysis, risk and return, debt and equity valuation, capital structure management, capital budgeting, and working capital management. Ethical issues facing managers are also emphasized.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-332  Financial Markets    4 Credits

Prerequisites: ECON-201
Students will be provided with (1) the theoretical models that underlie the value of stocks and bonds and how these instruments are purchased, (2) an understanding of various financial securities and the financial institutions that create and trade them, (3) investment alternatives such as derivative products, mutual funds, foreign exchange, and commodities.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-342  Product Marketing Management    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-103
A foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective Product Marketing Manager will be provided. Students will learn how to effectively manage products throughout their entire life cycle. The class will cover the critical aspects, both on the strategic and tactical levels that are necessary so that product marketing is an ongoing learning experience to ensure continuous improvement.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-362  Lean Supply Chain Management    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-221 and BUSN-312
Students will be provided with an overall understanding of the management of operations activities of Supply Chain Management (SCM). The course covers concepts, trends and technologies that enable global SCM. Students will learn how customer needs, competitive advantage, operational measures and financial performance support successful implementation of SCM. They will also learn how operational activities including information systems, procurement, demand planning and forecasting, inventory management, and logistics support organizational goals. The philosophy and techniques of Lean Systems are applied to SCM. Lean methods are contrasted with Traditional Operations Management approaches common to many businesses. ERP simulation instruction is utilized to develop skills in logistics and demonstrate the importance of enterprise systems in managing the supply chain.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-371  Business Analytics    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-271 or MATH-258
This course introduces students to an important business trend in the utilization of “Big Data” for business intelligence. The course will include coverage of data mining techniques, and the data infrastructure required to support business analytics. Software tools will be applied at an introductory level to provide students with hands-on experience in data mining. Assigned projects will require students to apply their knowledge to develop and critically evaluate actionable initiatives for business analytics.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-402  Business Law    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
Minimum Class Standing: Junior
An introduction to the law and legal institutions in society, with emphasis on areas of law relevant to business. This class is open to both business and non-business students.  Course topics include the fundamentals of business law and all of the major components.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-421  Lean Operations Management    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-221 and BUSN-312
Minimum Class Standing: Junior
This course provides students with the principles and applications of Lean Enterprise and other leading models of operational excellence for office, service, distribution, and production operations. Lean Transformation methods are introduced to quantify the potential of Lean operations and provide a roadmap to transformation of the enterprise. Lean Work Flow methods are practiced to experience Lean operational work and materials management. Lean Work Design techniques are applied to structure work processes for output to meet customer demand, as well as rebalancing given changes in the demand rate. Integrating Experiences that schedule and manage operational activities of Lean Systems are applied throughout the course culminating in a comprehensive application exercise.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-429  Entrepreneurial Finance    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-303
This is a course on financing startups and other small businesses. The objective is to provide students with an understanding of how financing from venture capital and private equity funds, as well as angel investors, finds its way to entrepreneurial ventures. The course follows a basic framework for study and analysis via the life cycle of an entrepreneurial venture consisting of (a) opportunity recognition, (b) valuation and terms of financing, (c) growing the entrepreneurial venture, and (d) harvesting the venture to create profits through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) or a sale of the business. Students will examine the financial concepts, tools, and techniques for a successful entrepreneurial venture, with an emphasis on the financial management practices needed to secure financing and using business valuation models.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-433  Strategic Investment Mgmt    4 Credits

Prerequisites: MGMT-314
An in-depth understanding of investments is provided. Students develop an understanding of debt and equity securities as well as derivatives. Theories of investment strategies and techniques are applied through course assignments and case analyses. Topics include the relationship between risk and return, portfolio management theories, behavioral finance, equilibrium arbitrage theories, market efficiency, and security analysis.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-456  Database Management Systems    4 Credits

Prerequisites: BUSN-152
Minimum Class Standing: Junior
Introduction to the concepts, principles, issues and techniques for managing corporate data resources. Techniques for managing the design and development of large database systems including logical data models, concurrent processing, data distribution, database administration, data warehousing, data cleansing, and data mining will be covered.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-459  International Business    4 Credits

Prerequisites: ECON-201 and MGMT-104
The course introduces students to international business and management by studying cultural differences, various governmental regulations, and business structures in a global economy. Other topics include legal and labor agreements, international finance, trade relations, production operations, information technology, global marketing, and human resources planning & development for MNC’s.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0

BUSN-522  Business Statistics    4 Credits

Prerequisites: None
Solving complicated business programs in today's increasingly competitive global marketplace demands new thinking and new skills. This course is designed to provide insight for learners about how to collect, analyze and interpret data in order to make sound business decisions. Probability analysis, sampling, hypothesis testing, descriptive and inferential statistics along with additional tools and techniques used by business professionals in market research, business forecasting and risk mitigation are employed.
Lecture: 4, Lab 0, Other 0