Academic Catalog

Master of Engineering in Autonomous Vehicles

Home Department: Graduate School

Available: Off Campus Only

Program Advisor/Contact: 

Dean of the Graduate School & Sponsored Research
4-321 CC, 810-762-9711, 

Program Overview

The Master of Engineering in Autonomous Vehicles program is designed for engineering professionals working in the mobility (automotive) industry. Students can broaden their skill set for careers in Autonomous Vehicle design and development. All students must complete two mobility systems fundamentals courses (which two depend on your undergraduate degree), courses on automotive controls and signal processing, two management courses, and four technical courses specifically in Autonomous Vehicles.

Program Objectives

All graduates of the Master of Engineering in Autonomous Vehicles program will:

  • Deepen their knowledge and increase their mastery of technical areas in Autonomous Vehicle design and development.

  • Be better prepared to advance in positions of technical and/or managerial leadership.

  • Develop their ability to sustain a life-long career in engineering, through continuing self-directed learning and professional development activities.

To receive the MEng Autonomous Vehicle degree a student must complete 30 credit hours of approved graduate work. There is no option for thesis work.

Graduate Assistantship

There are no opportunities for graduate assistant positions in the M. Eng. Program.

Program of Study (Total Credit Hours: 30)

Required Courses

Automotive Fundamentals (Students with an undergraduate degree in engineering take the two courses outside of their undergraduate major. Students without an undergraduate engineering degree take all three.)

MENG-6013  Electrical and Computer Engineering Principles for Mobility Systems 
MENG-6023  Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Principles for Mobility Systems 
MENG-6033  Mechanical Engineering Principles for Mobility Systems

Engineering Courses

MENG-6303  Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Automotive Engineering
MENG-6323  Automotive Control Systems 

Management Courses

MENG-6093 Technology Management 
MENG-6193  Project Management

Autonomous Vehicle Core 

MENG-6423  Mobile Robotics 
MENG-6523  AI for Autonomous Driving
MENG-6543  Computer Vision for Autonomous Driving
MENG-6843  Internet of Things (IoT)